What happened to Double Dog?

Over 1 million users, 5 million videos, and a huge community behind the app.


Double Dog is taking a break.  Let us know if you can’t wait for another version.


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Q: How does it work?

A: You can dare anyone you want, it can be a friend or someone that you just met in the app.  After they receive the dare they can either do it and send you video proof, or they can send the dare back to you for double the amount.  If they double (double dare), then you have two options: option #1 do the dare for twice the amount and option #2 chicken out and you pay them triple.

Q: Can you make money doing dares?

A: Yes! Enable elite-mode in settings to unlock real money dares.

Q: How do I get more dares?

A: The more visibility you have the more dares you’ll receive.  Get people to follow you and send dares, do dares, be nice, and share great content.

Q: What if I don’t want to do a dare that I received?

A: Double Dare and the other person has to do it for twice the amount. If they don’t, then you win triple.

Q: What if I get a double dare?

A: Then do your own dare for twice the amount, or chicken out and pay the other person triple.

Q: How long do I have to do a dare?

A: The timer is set to 24 hours by default.

Q: What if I get a dangerous, illegal, impossible, or inappropriate dare?

A: Flag the dare and it’ll be automatically canceled.  We monitor dares that are flagged and suspend accounts that behave against our safety policies.  We also review new dares to ensure the safety of our users.

Q: I can’t log in. What happened?

A: You likely broke our terms and your account was suspended.  If you think we made a mistake, then contact us via email and we’ll look at it.

Q: What if I did the dare and the other person says I didn’t do it?

A: Then send it to trial and let the community decide.

Q: Is it legal?

A: Yes. Think of a dare in Double Dog as a contract between two people.  Someone asks you to do a service and you agree to do it.  Then you complete the service and get paid.


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